Saturday, February 13, 2010

Anemia Thrush Diabete's Type Symptoms, But Not Diabetic...what Could Be Wrong?

Diabete's type symptoms, but not diabetic...what could be wrong? - anemia thrush

I think all the symptoms of diabetes, but I was a diabetes test yesterday and my results were normal.

I was very tired, it's not unusual for me to get up to 7 clock and I sleep on the bus to go to work because they literally do not keep my eyes open .... I have vertigo, and now seems to feel a little easier. Constantly thrush and cystitis and get leg cramps at night quite often. What the hell can I live without? Anemia tests came back clear, so I'm confused ....


Yurri said...

Stress? Poor diet? Depression? Fatigue and lack of sleep weakens the immune system and makes them vulnerable to infection and sepsis, candidiasis. Taking the pill for thrush, opt to drink plenty of water and cranberry juice, unlock for food, energy slowly, like oatmeal for breakfast and yogurt and bananas for snacks probiatic.
Every day get vegetables and protein-rich dinner 2 hours before bedtime and try to 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

LillyB said...

She looks like a classic case of a proliferation of Candida. I think the answer post almost every day, making it very common and can have devastating consequences for health. Early in the morning before eating or drinking, spitting on a glass of water. If nothing grows under it, it sinks down in a pool of muddy water, or any failure Candida. Write and send you some information.

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